Six on Saturday: Spring?

A damp and grey Saturday after the bluest of blue sky periods. The warmth and extra light of the last few weeks has brought everything on at full pelt. The narcissus are jostling with the tulips which have arrived all of a sudden together with the fast growing leaves of the allium. It all feels a bit dizzying, but the return to seasonal weather now might slow the moment down.

This week’s six is starting off with the self seeders and multipliers which do my work for me and give me plants for free; though not always in the right place, most often they know where suits better than me. First is the shade tolerant, perky Geranium Bill Wallis, with its small and lovely purple flowers. I’ve grown it from seed again, but the self sown versions are bigger and stronger and ready to take over the path where it prefers growing through the stones. I would step around it, but as no one else will, it has been uprooted and potted up ready to be moved.

Bill Wallis happily growing through the stones

Next are the hellebores growing just outside the kitchen window which are slowly but determinedly colonising the bed. It has taken years from a few original plants, but they have increased year on year and will soon have taken over all the shady margins.

Hellebores mixing

Third are is the gentle yellow, cheering primrose which has taken a liking to the middle of the East facing bed. Starting off from one there are now lots and maybe this is the year I finally remember to divide and lift them.

Primrose and cerinthe (another self seeder)

Fourth spot goes to the most prolific self seeder of all: the blue forget me not which never truly goes away despite my partner’s stealthy weeding of them. I love them in their prime as a sea of blue and forgive them their scruffiness at other times. Early days in the garden, I was worried they would get weeded to extinction – now realise that is close to impossible. Good.

Before too long there will be blue

Next are just some of the seeds sown by me growing on window sills, greenhouse shelves and just emerging on the heating mat. Peas, tomatoes and flowers.

Last is the quince tree in the corner of the garden lighting up a dank morning with its sparkle of green buds.


That’s it, but over at The Propagator there is sure to be lots of interest.

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9 Responses to Six on Saturday: Spring?

  1. Isn’t it nice when plants do the work for you and self sow?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jim Stephens says:

    I have to admit I treat forget-me-not as a weed’ it’s just too enthusiastic. I do like a self sower that gets the balance right, not too many or too few.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. March Picker says:

    I mainly leave the forget-me-nots to themselves and even introduced a white variety. Here they aren’t as weedy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. cavershamjj says:

    I have forgetmenot. I remove it once flowered. It always comes back! I am growing a few different geraniums from seed this year, I am fast developing a thing for them…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Chloris says:

    Lovely time of the year with so much emerging in the garden and the fun of seed sowing which you are obviously embracing with great enthusiasm.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. tonytomeo says:

    Oh goodness, I read that too fast. I thought that you were talking about some sort of seeding device that . . . oh nevermind.
    Back when we grew hellibores, we grew both cultivars and seedlings. We intended to grow only cultivars, but they bloomed and tossed so many seed that we needed to do something with them. Landscapers were so desperate for any hellibores that they could get that they bought as many seedlings as we could can, even though we could not predict their colors. Most were sold in bloom.

    Liked by 1 person

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